Qualify For An H & C Status Successfully and Effortlessly.
H & C or Humanitarian and Compassionate applicants are the ones filed within Canada. You can apply for these applications if you do not have legal status in Canada but consider the country your home. It is okay if you or your friends or family live in Canada without complete paperwork. There are still options for you, and this is one of them. Our team will help you apply for this program, get all the documentation and paperwork done and eventually get approved for the program. You can also acquire permanent residence status in Canada once you get through these applications.
Who can apply for an H&C application?
You can apply for the H&C application if you are:
• A Foreign national who is currently living in Canada
• Someone who believes in compassionate and humanitarian considerations
• Not eligible to apply for permanent residence from within Canada
Don’t worry if you don’t meet the requirements mentioned above. We can still figure out a way. Have a word with us, share your requirements or situation, and our team will guide you thoroughly.
Eberle Immigration is the right place for you to achieve your Canadian dream. If you consider Canada your home, we will help you stay here legally without any hassle.